ACBAR Express, April - May - June 2019

Advocacy on Disability

SCA, NAC, HI with coordination of ACBAR has organized a donor round table to discuss with donors the recommendations regarding physical rehabilitation of persons with disabilities on social inclusion and policy gaps. Read more

UNAMA's "Afghanistan Fight Against Corruption" Report

UNAMA's report on anti-corruption efforts of Afghanistan gives recommendations on the anti-corruption measures and reform framework. Click here

NRC's Briefing on displacement sites -Badghis 

NRC's briefing paper is on the recent movement of families from displacement sites in Qala-e-Naw (Badghis) including recommendations. Read more

USIP's "Perspectives on Peace from Taliban" Report

United State Institute of Peace (USIP) special report examines perspectives on peace and reconciliation among people living in areas of Afghanistan where the Taliban have significant influence or control. Read more

Asia & Pacific SDGs Progress Report 2019 

United Nations - Economic and Social Commotion of Asia and Pacific (UN-ESCAP) published the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs ) progress in Asia report 2019. Their clear message is that the process for achieving in 2030 the SDGs should be accelerated. Read more

SCI's "Stop the War on Children" Report

SCI advocates with this report for more child protection because around 420 million children are living in conflict zones and the amount is growing. Read here

ICVA's Annual Conference Report 2019  

In March ACBAR participated at the ICVA General Assembly meeting. The focus was on improving the humanitarian system with grassroots engagement. Read more

World Days 

20 June               World Refugee Day 

12 August            International Youth Day 

19 August            World Humanitarian Day 

 8 September       International Literacy Day

15 September      International Day of Democracy 

21 September      International Day of Peace