ACBAR Member NGOs List
# | Acronyms | NGOs full name | Agency Type |
1 | AABRAR | Afghan Amputee Bicyclists For Rehabilitation And Recreation | NNGO |
2 | AADRO | Afghan Australian Development and Rehabilitation Organanization | NNGO |
3 | AAH | Action Against Hunger | INGO |
4 | AAIWO | Afghan Alfouz Innovational Welfare Organization | NNGO |
5 | AAR JAPAN | Association For Aid and Relief Japan | INGO |
6 | ACDO | Aisa Community Development Organization | NNGO |
7 | ACKU | Afghanistan Center at Kabul University | INGO |
8 | ACTED | Agence d'aide a la Cooperation Technique et au Development. | INGO |
9 | Action Aid | Action Aid Afghanistan | INGO |
10 | ADA | Afghanistan Development Association | NNGO |
11 | ADEO | Afghanistan Development &Education Organization | NNGO |
12 | ADF | Afghan Development Foundation | NNGO |
13 | ADRA | Adventist Development and Relief Agency International | INGO |
14 | ADWSO | Afghanistan Development & Welfare Services organization | NNGO |
15 | AEHDA | Afghanistan Education & Health Development Aids Organization | NNGO |
16 | AFGA | Afghan Family Guidance Association | NNGO |
17 | Afghanaid | Afghanaid | INGO |
18 | AFRANE | Amitie Franco-Afghane | INGO |
19 | AGHCO | Afghan General Help Coordination Office | NNGO |
20 | AHDAA | Agency for Humanitarian and Development Assistance for Afghanistan | NNGO |
21 | AHDS | Afghan Health & Development Services | NNGO |
22 | AIL | Afghan Institute of Learning | NNGO |
23 | AIRO | Afghanistan Independent Rehabilitation Organization | NNGO |
24 | AKAH | Agha Khan Agency For Habitat | INGO |
25 | AKF | Aga Khan Foundation-Afghanistan | INGO |
26 | ANAFAE | Afghan National Association for Adult Education | NNGO |
27 | ANCC | Afghanistan National Re-Construction Coordination | NNGO |
28 | ANHDO | Afghanistan National Horticulture Development Organization | NNGO |
29 | AOAD | Accessibility Organization For Afghan Disable | NNGO |
30 | APBHO | Afghan Peace Building Humanitarian Organization | NNGO |