Afghanistan Collective Feedback Digest compilation of community voices

This eleventh issue presents the information gathered through the various feedback channels by 11 organizations in August 2022. The organizations in this digest reached to 51,163 people – 20,452 women and 30,711 men including 1,171 people with disability. Majority of the feedbacks were collected by hotline, phone number, what's up, compliant box, monitoring visits, face to face, community engagement, and social mobilizer  where organizations used their internal hotline and Intern-Agency feedback channels. The feedback collected from across the all provinces of Afghanistan, but the majority of feedbacks from the following provinces such as Kabul , Balkh, Herat, Nangarhar, Gazni, Paktika, Kandahar, Helmand , Logar, Wardag Kapisa, Laghman, Juwzjan, Kapisa, Zabul and Parwan.

People top needs recorded were food and cash assistance, health care, safe drinking water,  shelter, Community Base Educational-CBE center where schools are so far, girls school above grad 6, protection and relocation, resettlement and asylum support. Meanwhile the top topics which people wanted information about the assistance time, date and location, targeting criteria, and assessment and assistance of unregistered household.

Nearly, all organizations shared a critical concern of interference of the external parties including the local authorities and community leaders in aid delivery in some areas as a big challenge to meet their commitment to accountability. ACTED inputs on Biasness and favoritism from the external parties’ side Involving local authorities and community leaders in the assessment or selection process of the projects and they are forcing project participants to get back the assistance from beneficiaries and redistribute among their relatives.  read more