ACBAR's Mid-Term General Assembly
The Mid-term General Assembly of ACBAR took place on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, at the PARSA Organization, Kabul, Afghanistan. In this General Assembly, a total of 164 participants from ACBAR members’ organizations and different donors, both in person and online, participated.
At the first part of this event, ACBAR’s Steering Committee, along with ACBAR’s secretariat, presented their key achievements, financial report, future plans, and priorities for next year , which were endorsed by all members. Regional Managers of ACBAR from Herat, Jalalabad, Mazar-e Sharif, Kunduz, and Kandahar also presented their achievements, challenges, and suggestions with participants.
In this mid-term, ACBAR received 13 new requests for applications for membership, including two international and eleven national NGOs, all of these applications endorsed by member NGOs through an election process.
ACBAR facilitated the online sessions with donors in the second part of the General Assembly event as follows:
Different donors (FCDO, SDC, USAID, PRM, Dutch embassy, and ECHO) participated in this session, presented their answers along with suggestions to ACBAR’s secretariat, and provided responses to the questions raised by NGO representatives and other participants.
Key Action Points for this General Assembly:
- Establishing a formal mechanism between the MoEc and ACBAR’s Steering Committee.
- Establishing a team by the name of "Immediate Response Team” to address members' concerns efficiently and provide timely solutions.
- Two independent assessments of ACBAR by ACSM and ICVA to support organizational growth.
- Restructuring of ACBAR based on members’ feedback to determine its current relevance.
In conclusion, the General Assembly of ACBAR marked a significant milestone, bringing together ACBAR’s staff, members, and donors. The assembly concluded with a focus on addressing outstanding issues regarding ACBAR’s operations, membership, and mission; consideration of new applicants for ACBAR’s membership; responses from donors to NGOs’ inquiries; members issues, concerns, and priorities; among other matters.