Jobs By Location: Badghis
Displaying 1-8 of 18 results.

Site Engineer

Expiring on 2024-07-29

Coordination of Humanitarian Assistant (CHA) is given the opportunity male under this position to carry out the following main activities: Be aware of the tasks, project goals, and objectives. Analyzing of cash for work projects and CDC facilities in implementing of cash for work infrastructure Conduct a baseline s...

Content Writer, Reporter, Enumerator, Data Collector, Field Coordinator, Trainer

Expiring on 2024-07-30

We are hiring multiple positions at our dynamic company, AWTSAAR Logistic and Consultancy Services. As a Content Writer, you'll create engaging content and optimize it for SEO. Reporters will investigate and write compelling news stories, collaborating closely with editors. Enumerators will collect accurate data through surveys and interviews, ensuring completeness and timely submission. Da...

Freelance Marketers

Expiring on 2024-07-30

As Freelance Marketers, you will be responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote our products and services. You will work closely with our marketing team to create and execute campaigns that drive engagement, increase brand awareness, and generate leads. This is a flexible, remote position that allows you to work from anywhere. Freelance Marketers are fo...

Case worker - Badghis

Expiring on 2024-08-02

Job Purpose The Case Workers will work under the supervision of Case management technical Supervisor and will report to him/Her.  The Case Workers will provide daily case management support to children affected by displacement, conflict at the districts’ levels in the targeted Provinces. The Caseworkers are responsible for ensuring the cases are managed in...

Psychosocial Officer - Badghis

Expiring on 2024-08-02

Job Purpose The purpose of this position is to implement Psychosocial activities of the PSS, PFA and Case Management programs for the affected children in the project sites in Badghis, Balkh and Jawzjan provinces. S/he will mainly provide technical support Mobile CFS facilitators and Case Workers to deliver the services and when needed, deli...

CFS Facilitator (استاد/تسهیل کننده مرکز دوستدار اطفال)

Expiring on 2024-08-02

Job Description   The Duties and responsibilities may include but not limited to: Responsible for providing CFS services in the CFSs. Assists in developing and maintaining an environment that promotes physical, social, and emotional development through arts, crafts, games, and other child friendly act...

Case Management Technical Supervisor - Badghis

Expiring on 2024-08-02

Job Purpose   The Case Management Technical Supervisor will work under the supervision of the Project Coordinator to whom he/she will report, this position will contribute to the capacity building of the child protection system, enhancement of Case Management, supervision of activities relevant to the Community-Based Child Protection Committees, Monitor...

Psycho-Social Support Counselor

Expiring on 2024-07-30

The Psycho-Social worker will closely work with beneficiaries, families, and communities to provide psychological and social facilitation and consultation for beneficiaries of the project and to provide appropriate psychosocial sessions to identified persons or households in need, including children through family groups and individuals. She provides...