Press Releases & Statements

SI Title Date Description Organization Format Download
19 Condemnation of the bomb blast in Kabul on 31st May 2017 2017-06-01

ACBAR Statement

ACBAR Download
20 London Conference Final Communique 2013-12-04

Commitments to Reforms and Renewed Partnership

Gov Download
21 اولین قانون منع آزار واذیت جنسی زنان و اطفال در کشور که ضرورت به باز نگری دارد 2017-03-08

دادخواهي‌ موسسه میدیکا افغانستان برای تعدیل قانون منع آزار و اذیت جنسی زنان و اطفال

Medica Afghanistan Download
22 Our First Anti-Harassment Law and why it should be amended 2017-03-08

Petition to amend the Afghan Anti-Harassment Law by Medica Afghaistan, signed by ACBAR

Medica Afghanistan Download
23 Statement condemning the attack on the Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan military hospital, Kabul, Afghanistan 2017-03-09

Statement condemning the killing of over 30 in the attack on the Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan military hospital, Kabul, Afghanistan

ACBAR Download
24 Statement Condemning Attack on ICRC 2017-02-09

Statement -Attack on ICRC convoy in Jawzjan Province on Feb 8th 2017

ACBAR Download