How to become a member?

Membership mandatory criteria/Requirements

  • An application letter for membership signed and stamped in organization’s head letter. Application should be signed either by Director or Deputy Director of applicant org.
  • Sign and stamp page 7 of NGOs’ Code of Conduct
  • A completed ACBAR membership form; which includes (general information, office information, Narrative description) to be filled accordingly
  • A copy of the Ministry of Economy’s registration Certificate
  • The applicant's organization statutes of operation (By Law) and copy of the Fact Sheet.
  • The most recent annual narrative report submitted to the MoECON (with receipt slip).
  • A copy of external audit report most recently conducted.
  • The applicant must fill in two pages of the Information request form.
  • Two endorsement letters (signed and stamped) from ACBAR current members’. Members’ list available in Website.
  • One endorsement letter (singed and stamped) from one of the NGO’s current donors.
  • A copy of annual budget for the ongoing projects.
  • NGO should have two years’ work experience and at least to have one ongoing project with minimum 100 thousand USD fund from current donor.  
  • Organogram (Staff Structure/ organizational chart).

Being a member of ACBAR could make a major positive difference for your organization.
ACBAR exists to serve and facilitate the work of the NGO community/civil society actors in order to efficiently and effectively address the humanitarian and development needs of Afghans. ACBAR supports its members throughout the country and has an excellent track-record and reputation among the aid community. ACBAR’s credibility has enabled us to successfully voice the concerns of NGOs and to coordinate effective responses to issues of critical importance to NGO work in the country. As such, ACBAR plays a crucial role in representing the interests of NGOs to the government and donor community. ACBAR strives to ensure that the reputation of NGOs is preserved and that the important role they have been playing over the past 40 years in Afghanistan is recognized and supported.

ACBAR is in a unique position to provide information on the work and impact of NGOs in Afghanistan and assist communication between the Government and NGO community to help resolve problems both at the provincial and national level. Further to this, ACBAR facilitates coordination mechanisms to allow for information sharing on important issues throughout the country. ACBAR engages in policy decision making with the Afghan Government and the international community to promote a strong and consistent NGO / civil society voice. This activity also includes regular research and baseline surveys on various topics. For example, ACBAR promotes the structural inclusion and participation of NGO / Civil Society actors in the monitoring and implementation of the Afghan National Development Strategy (ANDS) and in policy level forums.

ACBAR plays a central role in promoting the NGO Code of Conduct, highly regarded by members, donors and governmental authorities as a necessary step toward increased professionalism, transparency and accountability of NGOs in Afghanistan. ACBAR’s leadership in establishing the Code, training members and hosting the secretariat provides the basis establishing quality standards for NGOs / civil society organizations.

There is a strong need to improving access to information in the constantly changing context of Afghanistan, many of ACBAR‘s stakeholders have wide-ranging information needs. ACBAR’s permanent presence Kabul , Mazar-e-Sharif , Jalalabad, Herat , Kunduz and Kandahar, in addition to work throughout the country has allowed for coordination activities to be carried out at the provincial level, in areas where there is a strong concentration of NGOs. ACBAR’s current information tools for members are very much appreciated and in demand. ACBAR members receive regular information regarding ACBAR’s advocacy related activities undertaken on behalf of NGOs.

The need to strengthen coordination at provincial and national level:
There is a need to address the negative perception of NGOs and civil society actors. The limited positive impact on Afghan citizens’ life, the numerous stories of corruption reported by the media, and the large amount aid which the country receives, has created a climate of general suspicion, frustration and accusation. Grounded or not, the general perception of NGOs/CSOs by the population, the authorities and the media is negative. The perception of corruption that affects the NGO / civil society as well as most actors in Afghanistan, is definitely an issue that needs to be addressed. Through its communication strategy with press, the promotion of its Code of Conduct, and its plan to monitor the level of compliance of the signatories of the Code of Conduct, ACBAR intends to improve the general perception of NGO by the population even to far remote areas.
ACBAR’s coordinated advocacy aims to improve and strengthen the consistency of messages released by NGO’s. This is achieved through the better collection of systemized data and resources to facilitate knowledge sharing and evidence based research. ACBAR is in a strong position to improve interaction with governmental institutions and major stakeholders for advocacy initiatives.
ACBAR has adopted an advocacy strategy which is aimed to firstly coordinate advocacy messages around humanitarian issues; and secondly to lobby towards the governmental institutions and donors for more involvement of NGO / civil society actors in policy level forms

For more information please contact:

Info/Coord Manager -