Coordination & Information
ACBAR Information and Coordination Department activities
- Generating data and analysis on NGOs in Afghanistan.
- Providing essential information to NGO members.
- Facilitating coordination mechanisms.
- Coordination and Communication operations aiming at improving the perception by the public in terms of NGOs’ role and civil society actors in Afghanistan.
There are two clearly defined groups who need information from ACBAR:
The first is ACBAR NGO members and second is a wider group of external stakeholders including civil society, Donors, the UN, the media and the Afghan government. Serving the needs of members and the wider group of stakeholders is a core ACBAR activity, and though their needs vary, there is some overlap between what each group needs.
Information and Coordination
Generating data and analysis on NGOs in Afghanistan
A wide range of people require information on NGOs working in the country, whether to use in decision-making or to understand the background of development and humanitarian assistance work in the country. Such information can also be used to help and to demonstrate the impact and legitimacy of NGOs work in Afghanistan. This requires that the ACBAR has an updated field level activity database of its NGO members which is revised annually. In addition, analysis of trends and facts will help to support the advocacy activities of ACBAR and its members
Providing essential information to members:
This service is one of the most essential currently provided by ACBAR’s Information and Coordination Department. ACBAR manages an information network that is unique in Afghanistan. ACBAR enhances this information by providing information on ACBAR activities such as coordination, lobbying and representation of NGOs in various forums.
Using information technologies to enhance internal and external communications:
ACBAR Information and Coordination Department effectively disseminate information to both members and external stakeholders for enhancing internal communications with members. This includes mapping of members’ activities, listing of different aid sector working groups in Afghanistan, circulating fundraising calls from donors and other information requested by the members. ACBAR’s website has a comprehensive resource library which gathers all publications, laws and good practices related to NGOs in Afghanistan. ACBAR facilitates resource sharing among member organizations by organizing workshops and presentations on specific topics based on requests and needs.
Facilitating Coordination
ACBAR facilitates coordination among its members with regular and ad-hoc meetings according to a monthly calendar. ACBAR aims to improve the exchange of information between NGOs and provide a platform for sharing expertise and preparing joint advocacy on key issues in different sectors in development and humanitarian programs.
The Afghanistan Humanitarian Forum (AAHF). is a monthly forum facilitated by ACBAR and OCHA. The AHF focuses on the coordination of NGO activities at the national and sub-national levels, representation/ communication on the interests of NGOs to other humanitarian stakeholders and the government, and promotion of high ethical and professional standards amongst the NGO community. The forum is composed of International and National humanitarian NGOs and feeds into OCHA’s HCT and AHF Advisory Boards. OCHA presents current issues in the second half of the meeting as well presents updates on AHF pooled funds.
Elections are held every year for representation of the NGO community at three key boards - the AHF Advisory Board, the Humanitarian Country Team and PAEA.
The Afghanistan Development Forum (ADF) is a monthly forum chaired by ACBAR. This is a platform where Government Authorities present updates to NGOs and provide clarification to the points/or issues uncertain.
The Directors’ Quarterly Meeting. ACBAR Directors’ meeting updates and stimulates discussions on on various important issues or events for member NGO Directors on a quarterly basis.
The Advocacy Working Group (AWG). is a regular working group meeting which aims to facilitate advocacy efforts of ACBAR and its members and also focuses on aid effectiveness in humanitarian and development related programs in the country.
The Human Resource Working Group (HRWG). is a monthly meeting where Agency Members’ HR staff can come together and discuss relevant agenda points in HR management.
The OCHA HFU Meeting. is a monthly forum facilitated by ACBAR and OCHA’s Humanitarian Finance Unit. The OCHA HFU is a dedicated forum for partner organizations to learn practically how to engage with OCHA’s pooled fund and develop their proposals for AHF allocations.