ACBAR Member NGOs List

 No  Acronyms  NGOs full name  Agency Type
1 AABRAR Afghan Amputee Bicyclists For Rehabilitation And Recreation  NNGO
2 AADRO Afghan Australian Development and Rehabilitation Organanization NNGO
3 AAH Action Against Hunger  INGO
4 AAIWO Afghan Alfouz Innovational Welfare Organization NNGO
5 AAR JAPAN Association For Aid and Relief Japan  INGO
6 ACDO Aisa Community Development Organization NNGO
7 ACKU Afghanistan Center at Kabul University INGO
8 ACTED Agence d'aide a la Cooperation Technique et au Development. INGO
9 Action Aid Action Aid Afghanistan INGO
10 ADA Afghanistan Development Association NNGO
11 ADEO Afghanistan Development &Education Organization NNGO
12 ADF Afghan Development Foundation NNGO
13 ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency International INGO
14 ADWSO Afghanistan Development & Welfare Services organization NNGO
15 AEHDA Afghanistan Education & Health Development Aids Organization NNGO
16 AFGA Afghan Family Guidance Association NNGO
17 Afghanaid Afghanaid INGO
18 AFRANE Amitie Franco-Afghane INGO
19 AGHCO Afghan General Help Coordination Office NNGO
20 AHDAA Agency for Humanitarian and Development Assistance for Afghanistan  NNGO
21 AHDS Afghan Health & Development Services NNGO
22 AIL Afghan Institute of Learning NNGO
23 AIRO Afghanistan Independent Rehabilitation Organization NNGO
24 AKAH Agha Khan Agency For Habitat INGO
25 AKF Aga Khan Foundation-Afghanistan INGO
26 ANAFAE Afghan National Association for Adult Education NNGO
27 ANCC Afghanistan National Re-Construction Coordination NNGO
28 ANHDO Afghanistan National Horticulture Development Organization NNGO
29 AOAD Accessibility Organization For Afghan Disable NNGO
30 APBHO Afghan Peace Building Humanitarian Organization NNGO
31 ARADA Agency for rehabilitation assistance and development for Afghanistan NNGO
32 AREP Afghanistan Rehabilitation and Educational Programs NNGO
33 AREUO Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit Organization NNGO
34 ASCEND ASCEND Leadership Through Athletics INGO
35 ASIO Afghanistan Social Improvement Organization  NNGO
36 ASLO Afghan Social and Legal Organization NNGO
37 ASOW Afghan Social Organization for Women NNGO
38 ATOA Aid Trends Organization Afghanistan NNGO
39 AWCPO Afghan Women Coordination and Promotion Organization NNGO
40 AWDREO Action for Welfare and Development in Rural Environments Organization NNGO
41 AWEC Afghan Woman's Education Center NNGO
42 AWPFO Afghan Women’s Peace and Freedom Organization NNGO
43 AWRC Afghan Women's Resource Center NNGO
44 AWRO Afghan Women's Rights Organization NNGO
45 AWRSA Afghan Women Rehabilitation and skill building Association NNGO
46 BBC Media Action BBC Media Action INGO
47 BOW Begum Organization for Women NNGO
48 BRAC Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee  INGO
49 CAHPO Community Action For Healing Poverty Organization NNGO
50 CAID Christian Aid INGO
51 CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere  INGO
52 Caritas Germany Caritas Germany INGO
53 CAWC Central Afghanistan Welfare Committee NNGO
54 CDRO Community Development and Research Organization NNGO
55 CHA Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance NNGO
56 CiC Children in Crisis INGO
57 CoAR Coordination of Afghan Relief NNGO
58 Cordaid Cordaid INGO
59 CRS Catholic Relief Services INGO
60 CWSA Community World Service Asia INGO
61 CWW Concern World Wide INGO
62 DAARTT Danish Assistance to Afghan Rehabilitation and Technical Training INGO
63 DACAAR Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees INGO
64 DAO Development and Ability Organization NNGO
65 DAWEO Danner Afghanistan for Women Empowerment Organization NNGO
66 DCA Dutch Committee for Afghanistan INGO
67 DELTA Development, Education, learning, & Training Association NNGO
68 DHSA Development and Humanitarian Services For Afghanistan NNGO
69 DRC Danish Refugee council INGO
70 ECI Enabled Children Initiative INGO
71 ECOH Emergency Care Organization for Humanity NNGO
72 EMPHNET The Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network INGO
73 EPDO Equality For Peace and Development Organization NNGO
74 EWSSO Ehsas Welfare and Social Services Organization NNGO
75 FCDO Friends Community Development Organization NNGO
76 FGA Future Generation Afghanistan INGO
77 GAALO Green Afghanistan Agriculture and Livestock Organization NNGO
78 GC Geneva Call INGO
79 GNI Good Neighbors International  INGO
80 HAGAR International HAGAR International in Afghanistan INGO
81 HAPA Humanitarian Action For the People Of Afghanistan NNGO
82 HAS Humanitarian Assistance Society  NNGO
83 HDDO Health Disability and Development Organization NNGO
84 HG Help Germany INGO
85 HHOA Help Humanity Organization of Afghanistan NNGO
86 HI Handicap International INGO
87 HIA Hungarian International Aid INGO
88 HIHAO Hand In Hand Afghanistan Organization NNGO
89 HIRA Human Initiative Relief Afghanistan NNGO
90 HNI-TPO Health Net International Transcultural Psychosocial Organization INGO
91 HOPA Humanitarian Organization for the People of Afghanistan NNGO
92 HRDA Human Resource Development Agency  NNGO
93 HRRAC Human Rights Reasearch and Advocacy Consortum NNGO
94 HRROA Humanitarian Response and Recovery Organization for Afghanistan NNGO
95 HSDO Health Care & Social Development Organization NNGO
96 HTAC Help The Afghan Children NNGO
97 HWW Hope World Wide INGO
98 HYSIO Homeland Youths Social Inventive Organization NNGO
99 IAM International Assistance Mission INGO
100 IMC International  Medical Corps INGO
101 iMMAP Information Management and Mine Action Programs INGO
102 Intersos Intersos INGO
103 IRC International Rescue Committee INGO
104 IRW Islamic Relief Worldwide INGO
105 JACK Just for Afghan Capacity and Knowledge NNGO
106 JEN Japan Emergency NGO INGO
107 Jhpiego Johns Hopkins Program for International Education Gynaecology Orgnazation INGO
108 JRS Jesuit Refugee Service INGO
109 JUH The Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe INGO
110 KOO Kabul Orthopedic Organization NNGO
111 KRA Kunduz Rehabilitation Agency NNGO
112 KRO Kandahar Refugee Organization  NNGO
113 LC La Chaine de Espoir INGO
114 LEPCO Leprosy/TB Control Programme INGO
115 LKRO Loy Kandahar Reconstruction Organization NNGO
116 MCA Mercy Corps Afghanistan INGO
117 MdM Medecins du Monde’s INGO
118 ME Mission East INGO
120 MHI Muslim Hands International   INGO
121 MP Mahboba Promise INGO
122 MSDEV Morning Star Development  INGO
123 MSI MSI Reproductive Choices INGO
124 NAC Norwegian Afghanistan Committee  INGO
125 NAWA New Afghanistan Women Assocaition NNGO
126 NCA Norwegian Church Aid INGO
127 NCRO New Consultancy And Relief Organization NNGO
128 NECDO Noor Educational and Capacity Development Organization NNGO
129 NLO New Life Organization NNGO
130 NMAWO New Message for Afghan Women's Organization NNGO
132 NQA Nai Qala Association INGO
133 NRC Norwegian Refugee Council INGO
134 NSDO New Way Social and Development Organization NNGO
135 OAHS Omaid Afghanistan Humanitarian Services NNGO
136 OAWCK Organization for Afghan women's capacity and knowledge NNGO
137 OCCD Organization for Community Coordination Development  NNGO
138 OHA Organization for Humanitarian Assistance NNGO
139 OHW Organization of Human Welfare NNGO
140 OPHCD Organization for Promotion of Health & Community Development NNGO
141 OPM Operation Mercy INGO
142 ORCD Organization For Research and Community Development NNGO
143 ORD  Organization For Relief Development  NNGO
144 OSAA Organization For Sustainable Aid in Afghanistan NNGO
145 OSDR Organization for Sustainable Development & Resarch NNGO
146 OWE Organization for Women Empowerment NNGO
147 PACO People Action For Change organization  NNGO
148 PARSA Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and Support For Afghanistan INGO
149 PIN People In Need  INGO
150 PRB Partners in Revitalization and Building NNGO
151 PU-AMI Première Urgence  -Aide Medicale Internationale INGO
152 PVADO Peace Village For Afghanistan Development Organization NNGO
153 RAADA Rehabilitation Association and Agriculture Development for Afghanistan NNGO
154 RCY Rehabilitation Center of Youth NNGO
155 RI Relief International INGO
156 RPOA River of Peace Organization for Afghans NNGO
157 RRAA Rural Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan NNGO
158 RSDO Razi Social Development Organization NNGO
159 SADA Social Association For Development Of Afghanistan NNGO
160 SAF Solidarity For Afghan Families NNGO
161 SCI Save the Children International INGO
162 SDO Sanayee Development Organization NNGO
163 Serve Afghanistan Serving Emergency Relief and Vocational Enterprises INGO
164 SFCG Search For Common Ground INGO
165 SHAO Social and Humanitarian Assistance Organization NNGO
166 SHPOUL Sound, Humanitarian, Participatory and Organizational Uplift  NNGO
167 SI Solidarities International INGO
168 SKO Star Of Knowledge Organization NNGO
169 SO Shuhada Organization NNGO
170 SOUND Services Organization for Unity and Development NNGO
171 SSEOA Shining Star Educational Organization of Afghanistan NNGO
172 STARS Skills Training And  Rehabilitation Society NNGO
173 SVA Shanti Volunteer Association INGO
174 SWRO Social Welfare & Rehabilitation Organization NNGO
175 TACT Today’s Afghanistan Conciliation Trust Organization  NNGO
176 TAF The Asia Foundation INGO
177 TCOW The Children Of War INGO
178 TdH Terre Des Hommes INGO
179 TEO Tashabos Educational Organization NNGO
180 TESTO Technical Education and skill Training Organization NNGO
181 THT The HALO Trust INGO
182 TLO The Liaison Office NNGO
183 TM Turquoise Mountain INGO
184 TSDO Tawhid Social & Development Organization NNGO
185 VDO Vision Development Organization NNGO
186 WADAN Welfare Association for Development of Afghanistan NNGO
187 WASSA Women Activities and Social Service Association NNGO
188 WAW Women for Afghan Women organization NNGO
189 WCC War Child Canada INGO
190 WCS Wildlife Conservation Society INGO
191 WC-UK War Child UK INGO
192 WDIO Watan Development and Initiative organization NNGO
193 WF Womanity Fundation INGO
194 WFWI Women For Women International  INGO
195 WHH-GAA Deutsche Welthunger Hilfe/German Agro Action INGO
196 WHL Way of Hope to Life  NNGO
197 WPSO Wellness, Prosperity and Socio-Empowerment Organization NNGO
198 WVI World Vision International INGO
199 WW-GVC We World GVC INGO
200 YAAR Youth’s Assembly for Afghanistan Rehabilitation NNGO
201 YHDO Youth Health and Development Organization NNGO
202 YVO Your Voice Organization NNGO


 Total Member NGOs                          202
 International Member NGOs                           84
 National Member NGOs                           118