ACBAR Member NGOs List
No | Acronyms | NGOs full name | Agency Type |
1 | AABRAR | Afghan Amputee Bicyclists For Rehabilitation And Recreation | NNGO |
2 | AADRO | Afghan Australian Development and Rehabilitation Organanization | NNGO |
3 | AAH | Action Against Hunger | INGO |
4 | AAIWO | Afghan Alfouz Innovational Welfare Organization | NNGO |
5 | AAR JAPAN | Association For Aid and Relief Japan | INGO |
6 | ACDO | Aisa Community Development Organization | NNGO |
7 | ACKU | Afghanistan Center at Kabul University | INGO |
8 | ACTED | Agence d'aide a la Cooperation Technique et au Development. | INGO |
9 | Action Aid | Action Aid Afghanistan | INGO |
10 | ADA | Afghanistan Development Association | NNGO |
11 | ADEO | Afghanistan Development &Education Organization | NNGO |
12 | ADF | Afghan Development Foundation | NNGO |
13 | ADRA | Adventist Development and Relief Agency International | INGO |
14 | ADWSO | Afghanistan Development & Welfare Services organization | NNGO |
15 | AEHDA | Afghanistan Education & Health Development Aids Organization | NNGO |
16 | AFGA | Afghan Family Guidance Association | NNGO |
17 | Afghanaid | Afghanaid | INGO |
18 | AFRANE | Amitie Franco-Afghane | INGO |
19 | AGHCO | Afghan General Help Coordination Office | NNGO |
20 | AHDAA | Agency for Humanitarian and Development Assistance for Afghanistan | NNGO |
21 | AHDS | Afghan Health & Development Services | NNGO |
22 | AIL | Afghan Institute of Learning | NNGO |
23 | AIRO | Afghanistan Independent Rehabilitation Organization | NNGO |
24 | AKAH | Agha Khan Agency For Habitat | INGO |
25 | AKF | Aga Khan Foundation-Afghanistan | INGO |
26 | ANAFAE | Afghan National Association for Adult Education | NNGO |
27 | ANCC | Afghanistan National Re-Construction Coordination | NNGO |
28 | ANHDO | Afghanistan National Horticulture Development Organization | NNGO |
29 | AOAD | Accessibility Organization For Afghan Disable | NNGO |
30 | APBHO | Afghan Peace Building Humanitarian Organization | NNGO |
31 | ARADA | Agency for rehabilitation assistance and development for Afghanistan | NNGO |
32 | AREP | Afghanistan Rehabilitation and Educational Programs | NNGO |
33 | AREUO | Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit Organization | NNGO |
34 | ASCEND | ASCEND Leadership Through Athletics | INGO |
35 | ASIO | Afghanistan Social Improvement Organization | NNGO |
36 | ASLO | Afghan Social and Legal Organization | NNGO |
37 | ASOW | Afghan Social Organization for Women | NNGO |
38 | ATOA | Aid Trends Organization Afghanistan | NNGO |
39 | AWCPO | Afghan Women Coordination and Promotion Organization | NNGO |
40 | AWDREO | Action for Welfare and Development in Rural Environments Organization | NNGO |
41 | AWEC | Afghan Woman's Education Center | NNGO |
42 | AWPFO | Afghan Women’s Peace and Freedom Organization | NNGO |
43 | AWRC | Afghan Women's Resource Center | NNGO |
44 | AWRO | Afghan Women's Rights Organization | NNGO |
45 | AWRSA | Afghan Women Rehabilitation and skill building Association | NNGO |
46 | BBC Media Action | BBC Media Action | INGO |
47 | BOW | Begum Organization for Women | NNGO |
48 | BRAC | Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee | INGO |
49 | CAHPO | Community Action For Healing Poverty Organization | NNGO |
50 | CAID | Christian Aid | INGO |
51 | CARE | Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere | INGO |
52 | Caritas Germany | Caritas Germany | INGO |
53 | CAWC | Central Afghanistan Welfare Committee | NNGO |
54 | CDRO | Community Development and Research Organization | NNGO |
55 | CHA | Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance | NNGO |
56 | CiC | Children in Crisis | INGO |
57 | CoAR | Coordination of Afghan Relief | NNGO |
58 | Cordaid | Cordaid | INGO |
59 | CRS | Catholic Relief Services | INGO |
60 | CWSA | Community World Service Asia | INGO |
61 | CWW | Concern World Wide | INGO |
62 | DAARTT | Danish Assistance to Afghan Rehabilitation and Technical Training | INGO |
63 | DACAAR | Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees | INGO |
64 | DAO | Development and Ability Organization | NNGO |
65 | DAWEO | Danner Afghanistan for Women Empowerment Organization | NNGO |
66 | DCA | Dutch Committee for Afghanistan | INGO |
67 | DELTA | Development, Education, learning, & Training Association | NNGO |
68 | DHSA | Development and Humanitarian Services For Afghanistan | NNGO |
69 | DRC | Danish Refugee council | INGO |
70 | ECI | Enabled Children Initiative | INGO |
71 | ECOH | Emergency Care Organization for Humanity | NNGO |
72 | EMPHNET | The Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network | INGO |
73 | EPDO | Equality For Peace and Development Organization | NNGO |
74 | EWSSO | Ehsas Welfare and Social Services Organization | NNGO |
75 | FCDO | Friends Community Development Organization | NNGO |
76 | FGA | Future Generation Afghanistan | INGO |
77 | GAALO | Green Afghanistan Agriculture and Livestock Organization | NNGO |
78 | GC | Geneva Call | INGO |
79 | GNI | Good Neighbors International | INGO |
80 | HAGAR International | HAGAR International in Afghanistan | INGO |
81 | HAPA | Humanitarian Action For the People Of Afghanistan | NNGO |
82 | HAS | Humanitarian Assistance Society | NNGO |
83 | HDDO | Health Disability and Development Organization | NNGO |
84 | HG | Help Germany | INGO |
85 | HHOA | Help Humanity Organization of Afghanistan | NNGO |
86 | HI | Handicap International | INGO |
87 | HIA | Hungarian International Aid | INGO |
88 | HIHAO | Hand In Hand Afghanistan Organization | NNGO |
89 | HIRA | Human Initiative Relief Afghanistan | NNGO |
90 | HNI-TPO | Health Net International Transcultural Psychosocial Organization | INGO |
91 | HOPA | Humanitarian Organization for the People of Afghanistan | NNGO |
92 | HRDA | Human Resource Development Agency | NNGO |
93 | HRRAC | Human Rights Reasearch and Advocacy Consortum | NNGO |
94 | HRROA | Humanitarian Response and Recovery Organization for Afghanistan | NNGO |
95 | HSDO | Health Care & Social Development Organization | NNGO |
96 | HTAC | Help The Afghan Children | NNGO |
97 | HWW | Hope World Wide | INGO |
98 | HYSIO | Homeland Youths Social Inventive Organization | NNGO |
99 | IAM | International Assistance Mission | INGO |
100 | IMC | International Medical Corps | INGO |
101 | iMMAP | Information Management and Mine Action Programs | INGO |
102 | Intersos | Intersos | INGO |
103 | IRC | International Rescue Committee | INGO |
104 | IRW | Islamic Relief Worldwide | INGO |
105 | JACK | Just for Afghan Capacity and Knowledge | NNGO |
106 | JEN | Japan Emergency NGO | INGO |
107 | Jhpiego | Johns Hopkins Program for International Education Gynaecology Orgnazation | INGO |
108 | JRS | Jesuit Refugee Service | INGO |
109 | JUH | The Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe | INGO |
110 | KOO | Kabul Orthopedic Organization | NNGO |
111 | KRA | Kunduz Rehabilitation Agency | NNGO |
112 | KRO | Kandahar Refugee Organization | NNGO |
113 | LC | La Chaine de Espoir | INGO |
114 | LEPCO | Leprosy/TB Control Programme | INGO |
115 | LKRO | Loy Kandahar Reconstruction Organization | NNGO |
116 | MCA | Mercy Corps Afghanistan | INGO |
117 | MdM | Medecins du Monde’s | INGO |
118 | ME | Mission East | INGO |
120 | MHI | Muslim Hands International | INGO |
121 | MP | Mahboba Promise | INGO |
122 | MSDEV | Morning Star Development | INGO |
123 | MSI | MSI Reproductive Choices | INGO |
124 | NAC | Norwegian Afghanistan Committee | INGO |
125 | NAWA | New Afghanistan Women Assocaition | NNGO |
126 | NCA | Norwegian Church Aid | INGO |
127 | NCRO | New Consultancy And Relief Organization | NNGO |
128 | NECDO | Noor Educational and Capacity Development Organization | NNGO |
129 | NLO | New Life Organization | NNGO |
130 | NMAWO | New Message for Afghan Women's Organization | NNGO |
131 | NO | NOVE ONLUS | INGO |
132 | NQA | Nai Qala Association | INGO |
133 | NRC | Norwegian Refugee Council | INGO |
134 | NSDO | New Way Social and Development Organization | NNGO |
135 | OAHS | Omaid Afghanistan Humanitarian Services | NNGO |
136 | OAWCK | Organization for Afghan women's capacity and knowledge | NNGO |
137 | OCCD | Organization for Community Coordination Development | NNGO |
138 | OHA | Organization for Humanitarian Assistance | NNGO |
139 | OHW | Organization of Human Welfare | NNGO |
140 | OPHCD | Organization for Promotion of Health & Community Development | NNGO |
141 | OPM | Operation Mercy | INGO |
142 | ORCD | Organization For Research and Community Development | NNGO |
143 | ORD | Organization For Relief Development | NNGO |
144 | OSAA | Organization For Sustainable Aid in Afghanistan | NNGO |
145 | OSDR | Organization for Sustainable Development & Resarch | NNGO |
146 | OWE | Organization for Women Empowerment | NNGO |
147 | PACO | People Action For Change organization | NNGO |
148 | PARSA | Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and Support For Afghanistan | INGO |
149 | PIN | People In Need | INGO |
150 | PRB | Partners in Revitalization and Building | NNGO |
151 | PU-AMI | Première Urgence -Aide Medicale Internationale | INGO |
152 | PVADO | Peace Village For Afghanistan Development Organization | NNGO |
153 | RAADA | Rehabilitation Association and Agriculture Development for Afghanistan | NNGO |
154 | RCY | Rehabilitation Center of Youth | NNGO |
155 | RI | Relief International | INGO |
156 | RPOA | River of Peace Organization for Afghans | NNGO |
157 | RRAA | Rural Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan | NNGO |
158 | RSDO | Razi Social Development Organization | NNGO |
159 | SADA | Social Association For Development Of Afghanistan | NNGO |
160 | SAF | Solidarity For Afghan Families | NNGO |
161 | SCI | Save the Children International | INGO |
162 | SDO | Sanayee Development Organization | NNGO |
163 | Serve Afghanistan | Serving Emergency Relief and Vocational Enterprises | INGO |
164 | SFCG | Search For Common Ground | INGO |
165 | SHAO | Social and Humanitarian Assistance Organization | NNGO |
166 | SHPOUL | Sound, Humanitarian, Participatory and Organizational Uplift | NNGO |
167 | SI | Solidarities International | INGO |
168 | SKO | Star Of Knowledge Organization | NNGO |
169 | SO | Shuhada Organization | NNGO |
170 | SOUND | Services Organization for Unity and Development | NNGO |
171 | SSEOA | Shining Star Educational Organization of Afghanistan | NNGO |
172 | STARS | Skills Training And Rehabilitation Society | NNGO |
173 | SVA | Shanti Volunteer Association | INGO |
174 | SWRO | Social Welfare & Rehabilitation Organization | NNGO |
175 | TACT | Today’s Afghanistan Conciliation Trust Organization | NNGO |
176 | TAF | The Asia Foundation | INGO |
177 | TCOW | The Children Of War | INGO |
178 | TdH | Terre Des Hommes | INGO |
179 | TEO | Tashabos Educational Organization | NNGO |
180 | TESTO | Technical Education and skill Training Organization | NNGO |
181 | THT | The HALO Trust | INGO |
182 | TLO | The Liaison Office | NNGO |
183 | TM | Turquoise Mountain | INGO |
184 | TSDO | Tawhid Social & Development Organization | NNGO |
185 | VDO | Vision Development Organization | NNGO |
186 | WADAN | Welfare Association for Development of Afghanistan | NNGO |
187 | WASSA | Women Activities and Social Service Association | NNGO |
188 | WAW | Women for Afghan Women organization | NNGO |
189 | WCC | War Child Canada | INGO |
190 | WCS | Wildlife Conservation Society | INGO |
191 | WC-UK | War Child UK | INGO |
192 | WDIO | Watan Development and Initiative organization | NNGO |
193 | WF | Womanity Fundation | INGO |
194 | WFWI | Women For Women International | INGO |
195 | WHH-GAA | Deutsche Welthunger Hilfe/German Agro Action | INGO |
196 | WHL | Way of Hope to Life | NNGO |
197 | WPSO | Wellness, Prosperity and Socio-Empowerment Organization | NNGO |
198 | WVI | World Vision International | INGO |
199 | WW-GVC | We World GVC | INGO |
200 | YAAR | Youth’s Assembly for Afghanistan Rehabilitation | NNGO |
201 | YHDO | Youth Health and Development Organization | NNGO |
202 | YVO | Your Voice Organization | NNGO |
Total Member NGOs | 202 |
International Member NGOs | 84 |
National Member NGOs | 118 |