ACBAR Steering Commitee

Last Update: 2024-06-13 08:53:13

ACBAR's Steering Committee

The Steering Committee meets on a monthly basis and has responsibility to monitor, guide and assist the activities of ACBAR’s secretariat. The Director of ACBAR is the head of the secretariat and is responsible for the day to day management of activities.  He/she is answerable to the Chairperson and Steering Committee and is appointed by them.

Members of the Steering Committee (30 April 2024)

 NO   Name   Organization  Position  Status
 1  Mr. Ahmad Abid Humayun  SDO  Director  Chairperson
 2  Mr. Vijay Raghavan  AAH  Country Director  Vice Chair

 Mr. Taj Mohammad Bassiry

 CHA  Managing Director  Treasurer
4  Ms. Zuhra Wardak  IRC  Deputy Director  Member
 5  Ms.Thamindri De Silva  WVI  National Director  Member
 6  Mr. Dayne Curry  MCA  Country Director  Member
 7  Mr. Nasr Muflahi  PIN  Country Director  Member
 8  Ms. Pauline Lapointe  AFRANE  Head of Mission  Member
 9  Mr. Umair Hasan  IRW  Country Director  Member
 10  Ms. Kochay Hassan  AWEC  Executive Director   Member
 11  Ms. Madina Mahboobi  VDO  Founder and Executive Director  Member
 12  Mr. Fazel Rabi Haqbeen  TEO  Executive Director  Member
 13  Mr. Shahir Ahmad Zahine  DHSA  Director General  Member
 14  Mr. Juma Khan Nasir Khairzada  SAF  Deputy Director General  Member
 15  Mr. Sabirullah Memlawal  YVO  Director  Member