Request For Cordaid

Request For End-line Evaluation of the Bright Future Programme, Kabul, Afghanistan

Cordaid is an international NGO that works in and on fragility and has been active in Afghanistan since 2001. Cordaid Afghanistan works on five thematic areas across the triple nexus of relief, peace and development: Saving Lives (humanitarian aid), Equitable Access to Quality Healthcare (emergency health, support to health services delivery, health systems strengthening), Healthy Food Systems & Decent Income, private sector development) Inclusive Peace & Reconciliation Processes (inclusive and social peace, access to justice, human rights, civil society). Cordaid’s mission is to reduce fragility and the vulnerability of people where it is most needed and most difficult, recognizing that the overriding challenge in fragile and (post-)conflict countries is restoring trust and social cohesion, at community level and between communities and the state. In Afghanistan Cordaid works with 12 local partners.

Through its Private Sector Development portfolio, Cordaid implements programmes providing communities with the means to lift themselves out of poverty through economic empowerment, job creation, and the fostering of inclusive economic growth. One of such programmes is the Bright Future programme, which has been implemented in Kabul since 2017. This project provides young people with the tools and knowledge to successfully find and maintain employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.