Request For Aga Khan Foundation

Request For Video/ Photography

The Aga Khan Foundation, Afghanistan (AKF (Afg)) is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), a group of international, private, non-denominational development agencies working to improve living conditions and opportunities for people in some of the poorest parts of the developing world. The Network’s organizations have individual mandates that range from the fields of health and education to architecture, rural development and promotion of private-sector enterprise and institutions that seek to empower communities and individuals, usually in disadvantaged circumstances, to improve living conditions and opportunities.
The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a non-denominational international development agency established in 1967 by His Highness the Aga Khan. Its mission is to develop and promote creative solutions to problems that impede social development, primarily in Asia and East Africa. Created as a private, non-profit foundation under Swiss law, it has branches and independent affiliates in 19 countries.

AKF seeks to provide sustainable solutions to long-term problems of poverty, hunger, illiteracy, and ill health. In Afghanistan, AKF works with rural communities in mountainous, remote or resource poor areas to improve quality of life in the areas of natural resource management, market development, governance, education, and health.

1.    Rationale
The Consolation and Expansion of Community-Based Education (CBE) in Afghanistan aims to provide education for emergency-affected girls and boys is increased and quality of learning for emergency-affected girls and boys is improved. Through the CBE and Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) classes, the project enables more than 35,000 students to access educational opportunities in three provinces. 

This short-term assignment aims to produce high-quality photos (50 photos) and video (2 – 3 minutes) for use in communications.  

2.    Project Background
Consolidation and Expansion of CBE in Afghanistan focuses to support the implementation of an expanded CBE program as outlined below.

Outcome 1:  Access to education for emergency-affected girls and boys is increased.
Building on its almost two decades of experience of implementing CBE in Afghanistan, AKF(Afg) will extend existing CBE classes as well as establish new CBE classes based on an assessment of the current needs in existing and new communities that have never been served before across Baghlan, and Bamyan provinces. To ensure cost efficiencies and value for money, AKF(Afg) will prioritise multiple cohort CBE in existing communities enabling AKF(Afg) to reduce travel, staffing, training, and classroom rehabilitation costs as community-donated spaces are often limited and will therefore be used for multiple shifts / multi-grade classes, where possible. 

Outcome 2: Quality of learning for emergency-affected girls and boys is improved.
To strengthen program sustainability, AKF(Afg) will build strong relationships with hub schools to enable future transition of students. This will be done through inviting hub school management representatives to CBE teacher trainings and coordinate with Hub school Shuras to conduct yearly back to school campaigns. Additionally, AKF(Afg) will facilitate regular joint monitoring visits with PED/DED to all project-supported classes and will participate in monthly coordination meetings organized by the PED/DED. Engaging closely with hub school and PED/DED, especially on the coordination, monitoring, and handover of CBE classes builds ownership of the program by the key education stakeholders, therefore increasing their support for the program and preparation for handover after the project ends. Additionally, improving the hub school environment to be more child/girl-friendly, will enable more CBE students to continue their education in the hub school after the project ends as the environment will not only be more accommodating, but their parents and community will also be more familiar with/have more trust on the hub schoolteachers and management. 

To build CBE Shura capacity to monitor CBE/ALC classes and advocate to PED/DED/CDC/Hub schools for continued education interventions (sustainability) during and after the project ends, AKF(Afg) will train and mentor Shuras on their roles and responsibilities, community mobilization, safeguarding, advocacy, and inclusive education, facilitate listening circles, and conduct awareness campaigns with community members and religious leaders on gender/child rights, the importance of education, and health/hygiene practices. Lastly, AKF(Afg) will organize community-level social audits twice per academic year (once at the start and end of the academic year) to assess the progress of CBE classes where education stakeholders (DED, teachers, Shuras, students, parents, and community leaders) will discuss challenges/achievements, identify solutions, and decide how to further improve the program in their community. Social audits ensure education stakeholder accountability, ownership, and transparency.

3.    Objective
The expected photos should showcase:
•    Progress on educational improvement of children benefiting from the project interventions. 
•    Children’s expression against the project interventions. 
•    Project’s impact on the community and children. 

Through these photos and video, we want to portray hope and optimism of children, emphasize positive achievements, value of pluralism and diversity and challenge stereotypes.

The photographer will film the interview as participants answer the following questions:
•    What is the importance of this class in your community? 
•    What if this class was not established in your village? 
•    What would you like to change in your class?
•    What is your favorite subject and why?
•    What were the children doing to their education, prior the establishment of this class? 

ترجمه فارسی سوالات: فلمبردار پاسخ شاگردان به سوالات ذیل را فیلمبرداری مینماید
•    اهمیت این صنف در محل زندگی شما در چی است؟ 
•    اگر این صنف در قریه شما ایجاد نمی گردید، چی اتفاق میافتید؟ 
•    شما چی چیزی را می خواهید در صنف خود تغیر دهید؟ 
•    مضمون مورد علاقه شما کدام است؟ چرا؟ 
•    قبل از ایجاد این صنف، اطفال قریه شما برای دسترسی به خدمات تعلیم و تربیه چی کار می کردند؟ 
The video will be of short duration (2-3 minutes maximum) and will be followed by 5-10 high-
quality photos of person interviewed. The photos will be taken during the interview, during completion of an activity, in the classroom, and in the community.

4.    Main duties and responsibilities
•    Travel to field to take video/photos.
•    Conduct interview in the field.
•    Obtain signed consent forms and waivers.
•    Use high-quality recording and photo equipment, including proper lighting, microphone, editing the video, incorporating English subtitles and etc.
•    Submit edited video and photos to AKF (Afg).

5.    Work Location (s)
The photographer is required to travel to the province of Bamyan, in coordination with AKF regional teams. 

6.    Key Deliverables
The photographer will deliver the following:
•    1 video (2-3 minutes) in Bamyan.
•    75 – 100 photos (from the interviewees, classroom activities, children in the class, children coming to the class etc. 
•    Take photos in locations or scenarios that illuminate the community-based or institutional nature of AKF’s work. For example, students studying in classroom, teacher teaching students or participating in teacher learning circle with other teachers. See the below photos as examples. 
•    Take some scenario pictures that do not show the faces of the girls (face down/from behind etc). 

Deliver the following two formats.
•    High resolution for print - JPEG, sRGB, quality 100, 300dpi.
•    Medium resolution for online - JPEG, sRGB, limit size to 1200 k, resize long edge 3600p, 300dpi.

To Include the following in the metadata for the photos
•    Photographer name.
•    Date photo was taken. 
•    Place (community/district/province).
•    Programme: Consolidation and expansion of community-based education in Afghanistan
•    Institution: AKF.
•    Caption: (description of photo) e.g. Grade 2 student Debesh Pradhan, age 10, plays with building blocks at a primary school in Malinchora Village, Afghanistan (for example). Parents in the community craft most of the toys in the school.

7.    Qualifications Required
•    Both individual female photographers and media companies can be considered. In an event of a company, the assignment would yet be exclusive to a female professional.  
•    Experience in producing high quality video clips and photos. 
•    Demonstrated working experience in Afghanistan (share two samples of any previous videos/photo assignments, especially with NGOs).

8.    Timeline / Work Plan
Required number of days work in Bamyan: 04 - 05 days (AKF is not responsible for accommodation, only transportation will be provided). 
9.    Terms of Payment
The payment will be processed upon completion of the deliverables and quality assurance. 

Interested firms or individual should submit their proposal to no later than 25th September 2023. For more technical information and query please contact Mr. no later than 25th September 2023. For more technical information and query please contact Mr. Janali Entezar at: or Mr. Ahmad Shah Mashal at: on or before the cutoff date.

Important Points:
•    Please quote the Vacancy Number as the Subject of the e-mail when applying.
•    Please submit the resume of the responsible individual along with the company license when applying.
•    Only shortlisted proposals will be contacted for further assessment.

Aga Khan Foundation Afghanistan recruitment and selection procedures reflect our commitment to equal opportunity and safeguarding of children, beneficiaries, partners, community members and employees in accordance with AKF(Afg)’s safeguarding policy. Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

Your details and information shared in this advertisement shall remain confidential.