Request For Rural Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan (RRAA)

Request For Poultry Farming Package for Pul e Alam & Baraki Barak districts of Logar Province

Tender Notice

Reference: RRAA-Cordaid-NPL-CRO-Logar-033/2023

Rural Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan (RRAA) invites you to submit a quotation for the 400 poultry package with delivery to the project site (Baraki Barak and Pul-e-Alam districts of Logar province)


RRAA is launching a “Local Open Tender” and invites interested Agriculture registered companies to participate in the procurement procedure for the relevant items(s):

Bid Submission Requirement:

  1. The attached Quotation Submission Form
  2. Suppliers’ technical specifications.
  3. Copies of any registration certificates as required by national legislation or competent authorities including company registration certificates and membership certificates of any relevant professional bodies (Shall only be submitted if you have not delivered to the Contracting Authority before)
  4. We may contact references for further background information on your company. (Shall only be submitted if you have not delivered to the Contracting Authority before).
  5. Company profile, experience, and 3 similar completion project documents during the last 2 years.
  6. Bid security in the form of a bank guarantees 2% of the total bid value.
  7. All tender pages are to be signed and stamped by the supplier.

Rural Rehabilitation

Association for Afghanistan


Darulaman Road Opposite of Ministry of commerce, Ayub khan mina District No 7 House #669 


Contact person:

 Hamed Wasil

Tel: 0093(0)772630093

Fax: N/A



For Technical information

Mohammad Kabir Yaqubi

Tel: +93 (0) 702020718
