Request For Afghanaid

Request For Service Consultancy – Conducting Impact Study of CBED Project

The Consultancy Assignment:

Impact Study of the Community level infrastructures implemented in CBED project, such as:

  • Integrated watershed development (Trenches, Terraces, Gully plugs and Check dams)
  • Flood canal cleaning
  • Irrigation canal, Aqueduct, Water intake, Super passage and Canal protection wall
  • Veterinary field unit
  • Agro-service center
  • Bio-climatic potato storage structure
  • Road repair and extension
  • Culvert


To be conducted in 6 provinces (with target districts): Takhar (Chahab), Badakhshan (Argo and Kishem), Samangan (Aybak and Hazrat-e-Sultan), Jawzjan (Shebergan), Sar-e-pul (Sar-e-pul center) and Bamyan (Bamyan center and Yakawlang)

A list of the infrastructures and their locations is provided in Annex-1. 

The overall objective of the consultancy: 

To understand the livelihood impact of the community-level infrastructures implemented by the Community Based Eco-DRR (CBED) project.