Jobs By Location: Kabul
Displaying 1-10 of 232 results.


Expiring on 2024-07-28

اشتراک و انجام خدمات سکرتريت در مجالس هيت رهبري کلینیک ( هفته يکبار). رهبري مجالس هيت خريداري کلینیک وحصول اطمينان از اينکه تمام پروسه ريکارد گرديده و اسناد ان موجود باشد. تعقيب از ريکارد نمودن روزمره مريضان (داخل بستر و سرپا).

Solar Energy Engineer

Expiring on 2024-07-31

Solar Energy Engineer Job Description A solar engineer is a professional who specializes in solar and renewable energy technologies. He should be able to plan, design and execute solar energy projects and manage everything from residential rooftop installations to large-scale commercial projects. The responsibilities can vary somewhat, but some of the primar...

Grants Management Specialist - Grants Management and Reporting (GMR) (Re Announced)

Expiring on 2024-07-30

ABOUT THE JOB The Grants Management Specialist (GMR) is a key member of the Programme Support Unit (PSU) and assumes responsibility over the efficient management and maintenance of grants related information, documentation, reporting, and processes across DRC Afghanistan. Grants management responsibilities include advising on donor regulatio...

Paramedic (PC) for the NTS team DRC- HDP program

Expiring on 2024-07-30

  ABOUT THE JOB The post of Paramedic refers to an educated nurse or paramedic, with a record of completion at paramedic training course organized by DRC- HDP, Successful conduct in the position requires a disciplined and structured approach to medical procedures and equipment, with a high level of tolerance for stress and eye for basic hygiene. The lif...

Finance Officer

Expiring on 2024-07-31

Job Description: Optixwave ISP company is seeking a skilled and dedicated Finance Officer to join our team. The Finance Officer will be responsible for various financial tasks to ensure the smooth operation of our Company. The hired individual will be accountable for preparing financial reports for senior management....


Expiring on 2024-07-31

ABOUT THE JOB The overall role of the driver is to drive safe and keep his vehicle clean/good condition and maintain his vehicle according to the DRC- transport regulation. Responsibilities: Ensure that vehicle is used only for purposes according to the order of the relevant Team leader/officer.

Freelance Marketers

Expiring on 2024-08-15

As Freelance Marketers, you will be responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote our products and services. You will work closely with our marketing team to create and execute campaigns that drive engagement, increase brand awareness, and generate leads. This is a flexible, remote position that allows you to work from anywhere. Freelance Marketers are fo...

Content Writer, Reporter, Enumerator, Data Collector, Field Coordinator, Trainer

Expiring on 2024-08-15

We are hiring multiple positions at our dynamic company, AWTSAAR Logistic and Consultancy Services. As a Content Writer, you'll create engaging content and optimize it for SEO. Reporters will investigate and write compelling news stories, collaborating closely with editors. Enumerators will collect accurate data through surveys and interviews, ensuring completeness and timely submission. Da...

HR & Admin Manager

Expiring on 2024-07-31

The HR Admin & Manager is a senior management team (SMT) member and responsible for overall administration and human resources functions of the organization. The position reports to Director of Operations. Duties & Responsibilities Outline of Principal Responsibilities: Admin and Liaison: Oversee overall utilities and supplies man...

Design and Inspection Engineer – IP (WERP)

Expiring on 2024-07-29

POSITION OBJECTIVE The Design and Inspection Engineer will be responsible for the overall coordination with PIU/MRRD related tasks of the WERP project and will work closely with regional offices to ensure that the required methods, procedures, and manuals are followed as per WERP project standards. The Design and Inspection Engineer will be responsible for ensuring the integrity, reliabi...