Call for CVs (Subject Matter Experts)
Adroit Associates - Badakhshan Badghis Baghlan Balkh Bamian Daikondi Farah Faryab Ghazni Ghowr Helmand Herat Jawzjan Kabul Kandahar Kapisa Khost Kunar Kunduz Laghman Logar Nangarhar Nimruz Nuristan Oruzgan Paktia Panjshir Parwan Samangan Sar-e Pol Takhar Maidan Wardak Zabul Paktika
We're seeking experienced professionals across various disciplines to enrich our consulting pool. As a consultant, you will bring your unique expertise to a range of challenging and impactful projects. As a consultant at Adroit Associates, you will play a critical role in providing expert gui... Official Branches In Provinces ایجاد نماینده گی ولایتی فروشگاه انترنتی دیم.اف Afghanistan Online Shopping - Badakhshan Badghis Baghlan Balkh Bamian Daikondi Farah Faryab Ghazni Ghowr Helmand Herat Jawzjan Kabul Kandahar Kapisa Khost Kunar Kunduz Laghman Logar Nangarhar Nimruz Nuristan Oruzgan Paktia Panjshir Parwan Samangan Sar-e Pol Takhar Maidan Wardak Zabul Paktika
همه در این کشور مسئول هستیم تا برای کشور و مردم خویش کار کنیم و ولایت که ما در آن زنده گی میکنیم باید خدمات مدرن و معیاری در آن عرضه شود شرکت / فروشگاه انترنتی دیم.اف در سراسر کشور خدمات عرضه میکند این نماینده گی را شما در ولایت تان فعال کنید /// 1 - پذیرفتن مسئولیت نماینده گی 2 - نگهداری یک...
Obs/Gyn Specialist (Re Announced) (Re Announced) (Re Announced)
Management of complicated cases. Prescribe and ensure appropriate drugs and medical treatment. Perform major surgery for selective and emergency cases (C-section, Hysterectomy, tubectomy, ovarian cystectomy etc). Follow up of pre-operative and post...
Child PSS Counselor (only Female) (Re Announced)
Through a BHA funded program, International Medical Corps (IMC) is going to provide integrated services including Primary Health Care, Nutrition, WASH and Protection including Child Protection in four provinces (Balkh, Nangarhar, Kunar, and Laghman). IMC CP activities follow a community-led approach, including group activities for child well-being, case management, strengthening family and care...
Provincial Social Worker (Re Announced)
Under the guidance of UNICEF Child Protection Specialists Child Protection Officers, and in coordination with other child protection partners, the Provincial Social Workers will be responsible for Case Management for individual children and their families to those children who have experienced or are at risk of violence, abuse, neglect, and exploit...